
Our meditation center exists entirely by the generosity (dāna) of friends of the center and those who attend the programs. It can be in any form —money, time, gifts or other resources.

New Project
We need to replace one of our three aging HVAC oil-fired furnaces that has stopped working.  We have been using temporary portable AC units to cool our rooms during this heat spell. Our goal is to gradually transition from oil furnaces to a cleaner, more efficient Heat Pump system. We are currently accepting donations for the first phase of this valuable project. The cost for one new heat pump,  system which will supply both AC in the summer and heating during the winter, is estimated at $13,000.



Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.
Donations for this project can be made by check or through PayPal. Please memo the donation: for new HVAC Heat Pump system.

Checks can be made payable to:
The Buddhist Vihara Society, LOW and sent to our address,
25725 Long Corner Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20882

 Ongoing Support

Apart from this new project we still require regular donations to cover the monthly upkeep and running expenses of utilities and building maintenance, repairs, etc. We greatly value each and every donation we receive so that we can continue to offer all of our programs and services on a donation basis.

Donations Through PayPal

You can use a Credit Card or your PayPal account using the Donate button below. These web-transactions will be made to the Buddhist Vihara Society, Inc., which is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization.

When you make a donation, the funds will be directly credited to its meditation branch, the Lion of Wisdom Mediation Center. You will also have the option to specify the use of your donation.

All donations are fully tax deductible. Upon completion of your transaction you will be emailed a receipt which will include the details of the organization.

Donations by Personal Check

Payable to: Buddhist Vihara Society
Memo; Donation to LOW
Send to: Lion of Wisdom, 25725 Long Corner Road, Gaithersburg, Md  20882

Thank you for your generous support.